No-Monday Nomads

The No-Monday Nomad 

Yes, we do work Mondays.  Sometimes all day and all night.  Or sometimes we don’t feel like it, so we don’t.  The point is – we have a choice.  We left 9 to 5 office jobs.  We left monotonous careers. Some of us worked on computers, or did sales, some of us worked with our hands.  We took a leap of faith.  We are living the lives we love, freedom to live and work wherever, and whenever, we choose.

These are our stories.

(coming soon)

Does this describe you?  Share your Story:

People are impacted by others' stories. The world needs yours. We need more nomads to leave the lives they loathe and join us by living and working anywhere they choose! This is a cry for freedom. Help out others who were once in your shoes by sharing your story.
  • This doesn't have to be great, just give it a go! Something like "from receptionist to blogger" or "from basketball coach to online mindset coach" or "from 9to5 coder to remote fullstack developer"
  • Let's get started by knowing where you were before. What did the daily grind look like? Put yourself back in your old shoes, the old feelings. Remember why you disliked where you were at, so much so that you absolutely needed to make a change. What was your day like?
  • This is my favorite part. The inspiration. This is the part that will truly change other peoples' lives. Dig deep and tell the person who was once you - what was your line in the sand moment, the moment when you said - 'no more!' - things have to change! What was that moment that forever changed the way you lived and worked.
  • We all know it didn't take 5 minutes to change into the awesomeness that you are today. And, we may all just be a work in progress. What were the very first steps you took toward your new life? The more detail the better. What are the most important things you would share with someone who was starting out - what mistakes would you not make now that you made before? What would you avoid? What would you do again differently? Where are you now in your journey and what do you do?
  • Again looking back at your journey, now in its entirety, and what you learned, share with someone who might be struggling to get free what your BEST advice would be to them. What can they do right now to get unstuck and start making change, or, what would you do if you were in that position again, and why?
  • Optional, but if you can record this, please upload a video, or, on the following line, link us to a vimeo/youtube of your story. If you're too shy, no problem, but remember the more people we can touch through our unique stories that may just resonate and touch one single soul, the more nomadic friends we have.
  • Please include a link to a video of you telling your story. Try not to read your story, the more you can tell it from your heart, the more impactful it will be! If you really prefer, we can do an interview 1:1 or skip it altogether.
  • Tell us a short description of yourself - name, how you want people to find you, your story, what you do, etc. An example might be: Jane Doe, Traveling Entrepreneur and Blogger, I left the corporate world in 2008 and now run, you can connect with me on Twitter: @myepictwitterhandle
  • p.s. I heart you - thanks for your contribution.