
I compiled a list of some of my favorite interviews and courses on Mixergy.com, by category, and with some practical advice and tips that I learned and/or applied to my business.

Per Andrew Warner, I am posting my compilation here.

When people ask for advice, I always tell them that there are 2 ways to start a business:
1) Start one
2) Study Mixergy.com

I was going to create an ebook with this information and to get Andrew’s attention like the example in this interview regarding Evernote.  At the time, I was a premium member, but as you’ll see from my interview I ran out of funds and downsized.  I am now a premium member again, and will be adding more cliff notes of what I think are Mixergy’s best tips.


Mixergy Key Takeaways


Category: Lead Generation 

LinkedIn page optimization – Lewis Howes

  • Use keywords in your LinkedIn profile for both internal searching and searches on Google, for more profile views
  • Accept all the LinkedIn invitations you get, you can market to those people, free ’email list’
  • Use LinkedIn to promote live events
  • Tell people who you are, who you help, how you help them
  • Headline, current & past work experiences – have keyword here at least once


Category: Sales/Marketing

Cold Calling

Copywriting Course 101 – Dane Maxwell

  • Copy sales letters by hand until you’ve committed them to memory (see Eugene Schwartz)
  • Study Dan Kennedy ‘The Ultimate Sales Letter’
  • Use price anchoring
  • find out what has sucked and then turn that into a guarantee
  • ask for money without guilt
  • always market before you create the product
  • every page should have a testimonial
  • answer questions you’re afraid to answer

Social Media Promotion

  • text <fan page name> to Facebook 32665 (book) so that can like the fan page i.e. fan Beer2Buds 32665


  • search on Facebook to see who is complaining about xyz, convert them
  • go to amazon and read the bad reviews of your competitor to understand their pain points

Webinars – lujure blog

  • in a webinar – make it about them, your audience
  • ask your audience to type in questions – i.e. where are you joining us from today
  • say if you’re interested in hearing my pricing plans, type yes or no
  • intentionally say negative things, use as opportunity to turn it into a positive
  • at the end of webinar ask how many ready to buy but can’t pull trigger, ask was this helpful?
  • see who was on and 1 purchased, 2 didn’t purchase, segment
  • those who didn’t attend, send them an email about next one
  • auto script that writes back to those who did attend – what they asked, how many minutes they stayed on etc
  • unmute customers and get brand advocates speaking

Category: Entrepreneurship

$100 Startup – Chris Guilleabeau

  • Combine your passion with the need that other people have
  • Evernote example – passion, talent, created something valuable for a large audience
  • By definition a business makes money, so why not start with that
  • Metrics – track 2 things daily.  1) number of email subscribers 2) revenue through shopping cart
  • People remember stories
  • Make your customer the hero
  • Make at least 50k, have fewer than 5 employees
  • Marketing is like sex; only losers pay for it.  Alternative to buying ads?  Hustle.
  • Start quickly to get over fear
  • Make something worth talking about
  • People are most willing to buy right after they buy

Dane Maxwell – Paperless Pipeline

  • Start every day thinking about Leads and Profits
  • Use event based marketing
  • get people to your site, immediately get email, then do everything you can to get paid by them
  • take care of a select group of ppl and they take care of you
  • only 1 thing you need to start a business – a paying customer
  • doesn’t even need to be your idea, ask potential customers
  • customer acquisition is painful so charge recurring revenue
  • important to learn to make offers
  • learn how to ask for money, and be good at it, don’t feel guilty
  • most important thing to customer then focus on that
  • what’s the path of least resistance, least thing you can do to sell a product
  • In business if you want to stand head and shoulders above every body else you just do what you say you’re gonna do
  • best ideas come from talking verbally to people
  • number one skill of any entrepreneur is sales
  • get people in webinar with their biggest hot button THEN sneak in product
  • have 3rd parties make your point

Brian Clark – CopyBlogger – https://mixergy.com/interviews/brian-clark-copyblogger-interview/

  • Instead of getting investors get partners to help your business grow
  • Once you have the audience you can build tools in your niche


Category: Blogging

Blogging – Hiten Shah of KISSMetrics

  • Attract customers before even have your product
  • Create infographics, they can drive a ton of traffic
  • WordPress is the only blogging platform
  • Find people who have the content that you want

Laura Roeder – https://mixergy.com/courses/master-class-blogging-for-business/

  • Use your blog to answer peoples’ questions
  • Make the title of your blog post the question that you were asked (the question that people type into Google)
  • Repurpose and recycle your content, i.e. interview, make tips, blog post, etc.

Ben Parr, Mashable – https://mixergy.com/interviews/ben-parr-mashable-interview/

  • start your blog post, publish it, then fill in content later.  The point is to get it up and out

Profitable Blogging, Timothy Sykes

  • show you’re real, establish credibility, inspire people
  • use your subscribers to advertise
  • make yourself memorable
  • create controversy
  • don’t underestimate the power of video
  • every blogger should look at themselves as a tool to do a little better of what their chosen profession is
  • create an About page for credibility, then back it up with your posts
  • you can brag about yourself but much better if others brag about you
  • they aren’t gonna come back to your site or any site unless you can control the relationship, important information
  • spread your content everywhere – email lists, message boards, chatrooms, social networks
  • create webinars, videos, books, seminars, dvd’s, coaching, memberships
  • get readers to leave testimonials
  • just keep creating small products that don’t take too long to make and put them out there
  • if content is good packaging matters less
  • highlight your premium products incessantly
  • keep giving info high quality, free tidbits, drip information, promote premium products
  • free blog post and premium product and it just keeps growing
  • make it so that all of your customers don’t want to miss out, anticipation
  • even after you go premium always provide more and more free content that you update regularly
  • to make the most money, you must keep your paying subscribers happy and continue building your customer prospect base


Category: Membership Sites


  • Find somebody who is a content niche expert and have them be your content person


Category: Info Product

Creating Your First Info Product, Greg Rollett

  • Not about the tools, it’s about the message
  • Record a product on the way home, 5 days, 30 minutes, now you have your first product
  • Multipurpose content for all learning styles – audio, video, something to read, something to do
  • Start with video, strip audio, then get it transcribed
  • outsourcing – your people are only as good as the directions you give them
  • hire 3 people to do the same job and compare them
  • bought someone at Mashable a beer and she reached out to him for a post.  Relationships matter.

Category: Interviewing

Interview Your Heroes – Andrew Warner

  • Create symbiotic relationship
  • Really learn from your guests


Category: Branding

Guy Kawasaki

  • Make your bio easy to copy/paste, don’t make people have to dig for your info
  • Make it easy for people to write about you
  • Be likable, trustworthy, ethical and honest, high quality, have a logic to why you’re doing things
  • Optimal number of blurbs (reviews) for a book is 6. If you have 3 or 4 famous people that’s enough. Don’t get low quality.


  • Peer to peer marketing works best with milennials


  • Lynda.com – 3 F’s of publishing.  Either you’re first, fabulous, or your f’d.
  • Figure out a way to push past the roadblocks, can’t do it one way, figure out another way


Greatist.com – https://mixergy.com/courses/master-class-traffic-with-content/

  • Graphics matter, if you want 1 million users, make a site that looks like it has 1 million users
  • Create a very clear statement of who your brand voice is
  • Create a brand design guide, anyone new to your company can step right in
  • Make a list of Linkbait content to drive links.
  • Create a list of Spikebait to drive massive traffic from your content


Category: Productivity & Automation 

  • Write down what you want your ideal day to look like
  • Do the hardest things very first in the morning when you start your daily routine
  • Use to-do lists, break tasks down into smaller tasks

Jason Womack – https://mixergy.com/course-cheat-sheet-increase-your-productivity/

Category: Health

Adam Gilbert, mybodytutor

  • Eat every 3-4 hours
  • Don’t use food as a reward
  • Be consistent
  • Commit to when and where to help you keep your exercise commitment
  • Daily personal accountability
  • Savor the food as much as you can, eat slowly, takes 20 minutes to digest
  • Pause when you feel hungry before you eat and think is this emotional hunger or am I really hungry



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