Best Jobs for Introverts | Find the Right Career for You

Best Jobs for Introverts

Are you an introvert who feels like the traditional 9-5 office job isn’t for them? Have no fear – there are plenty of career options out there that may be a better fit!

From becoming a digital nomad to finding remote work, you can find fulfilling, meaningful, and low stress jobs as an introvert. Whether you’re looking to make money on the side, want to transition into a new industry, searching for the ideal jobs for your skills, or just want more autonomy in your next career move – we’ve got you covered.

Read on to discover the best jobs for introverts that provide flexible schedules, financial benefits, and freedom!

What is introversion

Best Jobs for Introverts

Introversion is a personality trait characterized by a preference for quiet and solitary activities, a tendency to focus inwardly, and a need for downtime to recharge after social interactions. While they don’t suffer from intense fear of people, social anxiety, or similar mental health issues, an introvert’s idea of a low stress environment generally involve working in a quiet space where they have minimal interaction with other people.

An introvert tends to be described as a shy person. However, the truth is that they’re introspective, thoughtful, and observant, and they may feel drained or sometimes even experience anxiety symptoms from too much social interaction or external stimulation. Typically, small talk can drain their social skills, and they deem large groups to be high stress situations. They often value deep connections and spending time with a small circle of close friends or family members rather than a large network of acquaintances asking about their personal life. 

Introversion is often contrasted with extroversion, which is a personality trait characterized by a preference for social activities, a tendency to focus outwardly, and a need for external stimulation to recharge. However, it’s worth noting that introversion and extroversion are not absolute categories, and many people exhibit traits of both.

What are introverts good for?

Best Jobs for Introverts

Introverts possess a wide range of skills and abilities that can be valuable in various contexts. Here are a few areas where introverts tend to excel:

Analysis and reflection

Introverts tend to be great at analyzing information, reflecting on it, and coming up with thoughtful, well-reasoned conclusions. This makes them well-suited for jobs that require research, data analysis, or strategic planning.

Creative problem-solving

Introverts often have active inner lives and rich imaginations. They can use this to their advantage when solving problems, and coming up with unique and creative solutions that may not have been considered by others.

Listening and empathy

Introverts tend to be great listeners and are often skilled at empathizing with others. They can be valuable team members in settings where collaboration and communication are essential.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Independence and focus

Introverts tend to work well independently and can concentrate on tasks for extended periods. This can make them well-suited for jobs that require deep focus, attention to detail, or working alone.

Reliability and consistency

Introverts tend to be dependable and consistent in their work, which can make them valuable team members. They are often detail-oriented and follow through on commitments, which can help ensure that projects are completed on time and to a high standard.

Introverts can excel in many areas and can be valuable contributors to any workplace. It’s important to recognize and appreciate the unique strengths that introverts bring to the table and to create an environment that supports and leverages those strengths.

Best Jobs for Introverts | Find the Right Career for You

Best Jobs for Introverts

There are many careers that can be well-suited for introverts, as they provide opportunities for independent work, focused concentration, and minimal social interaction. Here are some examples of jobs that may be a good fit for introverts:

Data Entry Specialist or Data Analyst 

Data entry specialists and data analysts are responsible for collecting, organizing, and analyzing data. This data can be used to help make business decisions or solve problems. Introverts often excel in a data entry specialist or analyst role as they are able to focus intensely on tasks and pay attention to detail.


The finance sector offers one of the best jobs for introverts. Accountants are responsible for keeping financial records, preparing tax returns, and auditing financial statements. This job requires precision and attention to detail, both of which are qualities that introverts possess. Additionally, introverts tend to do well in jobs that require little interaction with others.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Web Developer 

Web developers are responsible for designing, coding, and maintaining websites. This job requires strong technical skills and attention to detail, both of which are qualities that introverts possess. Additionally, a career path as a web developer can allow an introvert to work independently or remotely as long as they are up to date on software programs, computer languages, and other computer programming requirements. Working as a web developer can be ideal for introverts who prefer not to work in traditional office environments.


Librarians are responsible for organizing and maintaining library collections. They also help people find information and answer research questions. This job is perfect for introverts as it requires little interaction with others and allows you to spend time alone reading or working on projects. It’s also an excellent low stress job. Interestingly, with enough training and experience, librarians tend to have high paying jobs in the long run.

Best Jobs for Introverts


Writers are another great option for introverts. This job allows you to use your imagination and creativity to craft stories or communicate ideas. This role can take on various forms, from creative writing to technical writing. Content writing for various companies or clients is also an excellent remote job for introverts. Writers typically work in offices or at home, where they have the freedom to write whenever inspiration strikes.


Editors are similar to writers, but they focus on correcting errors and making sure that written materials meet certain standards. Some editors dabble in working in technical writing as well. Editors typically work in offices, but some may work from home or remotely.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Social Media Manager 

If you’re an introvert, then a job that requires you to constantly interact with others is probably not the best fit for you. However, a job that allows you to interact with others on your own terms might be a better option.

A social media manager is responsible for creating and managing a company’s social media presence. This includes creating and posting content, responding to comments and messages, and monitoring social media analytics. introverts are often good at this type of work as they are able to carefully consider their words before speaking or writing them down.

Best Jobs for Introverts


Transcriptionist can be a good job for introverts as it typically involves working independently, focusing on listening and transcribing audio or video files. Transcriptionists can work for a variety of industries, including legal, medical, or entertainment, and can work either in-house or remotely as freelancers. Generally, this is one of the best jobs for introverts as it is low stress and typically allows employees to work on their own schedule.

Best Jobs for Introverts


Archivists often prefer to work independently so that they can concentrate on organizing and preserving historical records without distractions from other people, making this position one of the best jobs for introverts. Being an introvert can help archivists stay focused on their work and pay attention to detail.


Research, particularly the job of research scientists, can be an ideal career for introverts, as it often requires deep concentration and independent work. This can be a good fit for introverts who enjoy pursuing knowledge and developing new ideas. At times, a research scientist would make a career change or simply dabble in working as a technical writer. After spending time dealing with academic jargon, the switch tends to be a smooth transition.

Graphic Designer

Graphic design can be a great career choice for introverts, as it often involves working independently and using creative skills to create visuals for various clients and projects. Graphic designers may work in-house for a company or organization or as freelancers, which can provide even greater autonomy and flexibility.

Can introverts excel as digital nomads?

Best Jobs for Introverts

Being a digital nomad can be a great option for introverts, as it allows for flexibility, independence, low stress, and the ability to work remotely. Generally, a digital nomad and an introvert’s dream job or ideal job is a position that allows them to work on their own schedule and own pace with minimal human interaction while still allowing room for professional growth.

Here are a few reasons why being a digital nomad might be a good fit for introverts:

Independence and autonomy

Digital nomads often have a lot of control over their work schedules and environments. This can be particularly appealing for introverts who value independence and autonomy in their work.

Flexibility and adaptability

Digital nomads need to be able to adapt to new environments and workspaces frequently. While this can be challenging, it can also be an exciting opportunity for introverts who enjoy new experiences and the chance to explore new places.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Focus and concentration

Many digital nomads work independently and remotely, which can allow for deep focus and concentration. This can be considered a low stress work environment for introverts who tend to work well alone and can be easily distracted by social interactions in a traditional office setting.

Reduced social pressure

While digital nomads may interact with other travelers or coworkers, there is often less pressure to engage in social activities in large groups than in a traditional office setting. This can be a relief for introverts who may experience high stress and feel drained by too much social interaction.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Overall, being a digital nomad can be a great option for introverts who value independence, autonomy, and the ability to work remotely.

However, it’s important to recognize that not all introverts are the same, and some may prefer a more stable and predictable work environment.

As with any career choice, it’s important to consider individual preferences, strengths, and goals when deciding whether being a digital nomad is the right fit.


While it’s true that introverts may prefer careers that don’t involve excessive social interaction, it’s important to remember that everyone’s preferences and strengths are different, regardless of their personality type. Some introverts’ idea of a perfect job may include working with others in small groups or one-on-one interactions, while others may prefer working alone.

When considering the best jobs, it’s important to take into account not just your personality but also your skills, interests, and values.

For example, an introverted person who enjoys writing and research may be well-suited for a career in journalism or academia, even though those fields may involve some social interaction and might typically cause high stress.

On the other hand, an extroverted person who enjoys helping others may thrive in a career as a social worker or therapist, even though those careers may involve working with people in emotional distress.

Ultimately, the best jobs for introverts or for any individual are those that align with their unique strengths, interests, and values. While personality can be a helpful guide in career exploration or career change, it should not be the sole determining factor.

It’s important to consider a range of factors when deciding on the perfect job, including job responsibilities, lower stress, work-life balance, salary, and opportunities for growth and advancement.

With the right amount of research and consideration, you can find a job that best suits your individual needs. Good luck!


Growth Hacking is Overrated

“Growth hacking” is a technical term for customer development. Essentially, it involves figuring out what your customer wants without ever having to talk to or interact with them.  How?

By using tools like OptimizelyGoogle Analytics and KISS Metrics, you’re able to learn more about your customer based on a specific set of metrics. These types of programs allow you to discover their likes, dislikes, and interests solely by monitoring their Internet usage and what sites they frequent most.

So, what’s the problem with customer development via growth hacking?

The Problem with Growth Hacking

You can’t growth hack your way into your customer’s mind.  Sure, you may gain a little understanding about them thanks to the software program, but your growth will be faster if you actually keep a finger on the pulse of your customers. How do you do this? By having real conversations with them.

The software developers responsible for creating these types of programs are partially to blame. I’m not saying that they are schmucks, but not all of these growth hackers are worth the beaucoup bucks they’re generally paid.

A large number of software developers (and non-savvy business developers) have the illusion that “if they build it, they will come.” In this case, the second “they” refers to the customers who they expect will adore everything they do and flock to their software simply because it exists.

In all fairness, this way of thinking is not entirely their fault. We fawn over stories of icons such as Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook and dream of being that one in a billion.

However, overvaluing software developers and undervaluing business developers can give software developers a giant ego and false sense of worth. Unfortunately, it is this inflated ego that can drive them to quit projects midway through to pursue their own passions. And, why not? They can, right?

While it’s great for anyone to follow their passion, this is bad luck in these types of situations. Plus, it’s just awful for the teams they leave behind.

Growth Hacking Can Be Good…Within Reason

Personally, I love the concept of growth hacking. In fact, by definition I am a growth hacker. But I also know that you cannot – 100% cannot – grow your company without getting to know your customer face-to-face.

For instance, consider the concepts behind Lean methodology which forces you to GOOTB (Get-Out-Of-The-Building) and talk to your customers. It’s so much better! Why?

It makes your potential customers part of the growth process so you become customer-centric. When you follow Lean methodology, you are constantly putting your product or service in front of them to test their response, giving you immediate feedback that is essential to your growth power.

One way to do this is by signing up for Lean Startup Machine. This is a three-day course designed to teach you the process by which you can learn enough about your customer base to make your business more successful.

When it comes to Lean methodology versus growth hacking, Lean methodology wins every time!

Customers Aren’t Numbers

Customers aren’t just numbers.  They have a voice.  So, hiding behind the numbers and hacking away at code, pretending that you’re staring at a matrix screen that somehow tells you all you need to know about your customer… that’s all bunk.

Your front end sales people have the pulse on your company.  Your business development people actually know what your customers are saying – and they’re worth listening to.

That’s why I believe that growth hacking is seriously overrated and may, in fact, be one of the worst effects of modern tech culture.

What’s your opinion on growth hacking? Do you find it helpful or not? We’d love to know your thoughts!

IGNITE Santiago: Introducing the Anywhere Startup in Santiago, Chile

IGNITE Santiago: Introducing the Anywhere Startup in Santiago, Chile | Live Work Anywhere

IGNITE Santiago: Introducing the Anywhere Startup in Santiago, Chile | Live Work Anywhere

20 slides, 15 seconds each slide, 5 minutes.

That’s the format for IGNITE. An IGNITE talk reminds me of a TEDX talk or the old Gnomedex run by Chris Pirillo. Except that it’s even more niche. It’s likely derived from the PechaKucha format, in which designers were challenged to talk with 20 slides auto-advancing after 20 seconds each. The content is inspiring, humorous, or pensive. And generally presented by nerds.

I gave my first IGNITE in Chile in January 2014. I wanted to introduce the concept of the Anywhere Startup.

I’ve been living and working from cities around the world for several years, but thanks to the increase in fiber, Internet, technology, resources, with near ubiquity driving the cost of access down, airline costs decreasing overtime, and other trends such as Startup workshops, in-flight wifi, etc, more people have the flexibility to travel and stay connected to one another.

I used to swear that I would do anything to get back to Spain, even if it meant I had to clean toilets with a toothbrush. Thankfully, I no longer have to do that. I’ve found success following an entrepreneurial path, and I want to help people get to that place too.

Here’s my Ignite Talk in Chile, introducing the Anywhere Startup:

The core points from my talk include:

1) I grew up sheltered, in rural America. I was 20 years old and I’d never left North America.
2) In college, I went to study abroad in Spain. I had never been on a plane, train, bus, or taxi. I had to do it all, within 24 hours, and – in SPANISH. My world was completely turned upside down.
3) But it was also during this time that I realized that I would to do whatever it would take to continue traveling.

That was 1997.


4) I had only just started using email in 1994. Twenty years ago. In the University in Spain, my friend would sneak into the computer labs on the weekend with to use a computer (on DIAL UP) to send e-mail.
5) After school, I was to told to get a job. And I did. But even with the Internet, there was no mobility. I was still stuck in an office, watching the clock every day until 5 pm. Waiting to leave, or rather until someone else told me I could leave.
6) What happened to the days of being a pioneer, an explorer, of sailing our ships through unknown waters – navigating through obstacles and discovering new lands, creating new maps? Why couldn’t workers combine the Internet and travel?
7) The morning of my talk I physically worked from Santiago, but I was really working in New York and San Francisco. There is no difference between working right next to someone and being thousands of miles away, whether you’re in the air or sitting on a rock.


8) Access to resources is nearing ubiquity and the cost of technology has plummeted. Airlines are now starting to offer FREE WIFI. I’ve been mid air sending emails, chatting, and making calls via Google Voice … and nobody … even knew … where I was.


9) This is the concept of the Anywhere Startup. A startup that, simply, you can run from anywhere. It’s based on a set of what I call the Mobility Criteria.
10) I run 2 anywhere startups. One is an e-commerce company (or beer commerce, if you like) called Beer2Buds that allows you to send a friend a beer anywhere in the world. The other is a SaaS product called PromoBomb. I’ve been traveling while running these startups from anywhere.
11) The most obvious elements of the mobility criteria are strong wifi, continuous power, quiet private space. Thanks to co-working spaces popping up around the globe certainly feeds this ecosystem. But it hasn’t always been that easy….
12) In 2009 I went to Costa Rica lured by the promise of strong WIFI and continuous power. When I got there, the line was shared by 12 other businesses and the power would go out, people would shrug, and head to the beach.
13) In Budapest, I found a cafe open til midnight that had strong wifi, not shared with other people. Bingo. I arrived at quarter to 8.
At 8 pm, on the dot, the wifi was shut off. The waiter said they do it so people would socialize.
14) Learning my lesson, I went to Buenos Aires and got my own apartment with my OWN strong wifi and power. I was on a conference call with Budweiser, when all of a sudden someone started jack hammering through the wall. Jack hammering. My noise-canceling headphones were no match for the jack hammer. I also lost power and the call was over.
15) Things can and will happen, but the most important part to an Anywhere Startup, is having a system in place. 3 components of a perfect system are:




An Anywhere Startup requires a different type of commitment, different style of communication and new processes.
16) My Anywhere Startups have teams that are dispersed all over the world. We use a variety of tools for collaboration. We set our clocks to ONE timezone, in our case, EST. We set weekly meetings based on this time. No matter where we are on the globe, we all adhere to EST.
17) During our meetings, over Skype, one person may be having pizza for lunch, while another is having balut for dinner . Our sales team battle cries are “Walang Aayaw” and “Lage Raho.” We are an international team running on one single system.


18) What will the next twenty years look like? Did you know that only 30% of the world has metadata? In Nicaragua and my address was – 2 blocks down from San Miguel’s store, down the street past El Mar restaurant, and on the left hand side…
19) Imagine a world with 100% metadata, and, as access to resources becomes even more ubiquitous, people who never before were able to share their vision with the world could now do so. We create cross-cultural entrepreneurship, and global cooperation.
20) Imagine a world that where, when you land in Chile, it doesn’t say “roaming” you turn on your phone. It just works. I’m navigating the waters of the Anywhere Startup and building a map for the next twenty years of Anywhere Entrepreneurs.

What does your Anywhere Startup dream look like?

A Startup is Not a Company

a startup is NOT a company live work anywhere

I was just at an event last night where we went around the room and introduced ourselves.

Many people talked about their “company.” It’s hard to tell if they were talking about the company they worked for, the piece of code they were working on, or the group of friends they worked with to raise a seed round.

Steve Blank gave the best definitions of a startup I’ve ever heard: A temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.

It’s a project. Until there are paying customers, a formed corporation, and a need solved that’s scalable, it’s a project. Startups fail because they are experiments.

Of course, it depends on where you are in the process. Anyone can turn from XYZ into CEO overnight with a project. It’s easy to give yourself a title and to build a prototype. That’s the simple part.

A startup moves from the project phase into the company phase when there is revenue. Revenue comes from paying customers.

By now, Lean Startup has become a common term. Lean Startup takes the principles of Customer Development and Agile Development and combines them. It’s important to think of customers first—who will actually buy your product? It ‘s usually not who you think! After you figure that out, how quickly can you iterate on your development when you learn this? This is known as agile development, or SCRUM.

On the other hand, there is no need to start a company (or even incorporate) when all you have is a project. Unless there are some patents, trademarks, etc that are essential to the core of the product, then all you really need to do is experiment. That’s the beauty of a startup. It’s not failure if you are experimenting and documenting what you’re learning.

A startup project is fun, exciting, and experimental. A company deals with real revenues and expenses, customers and support issues. So if you want to build a company, it’s okay to begin with a startup. Just keep in mind that customers are your goal. With customers comes real business decisions. If you don’t want a company, keep building startups! It’s all about the learning.

In your experience, at what point does a startup become a company?

Origin of Sending a Beer

The origin of Beer2Buds was in 2001 while sitting at my desk in Milwaukee. A friend from Sweden sent me a virtual beer in an email and I thought if I could only redeem that locally what a great idea that would be.

What a great way to stay in touch with friends and reconnect over the feeling you had and the memories you created when you were together.  After spending time learning web and product development, payment systems, incorporating, choosing right – and wrong – business partners, was launched in February 2009.

If you can’t convince people it is a good idea it’s for one of 2 reasons – 1) it’s a bad idea 2) it’s too early.

Now sending people drinks are popping up all over the country and the world – sounds like a good idea – just a little early. But with advances in smartphones, web apps, and independent businesses adapting to needs of customers and coupons, sending a beer will start becoming even easier.