Best Jobs for Introverts | Find the Right Career for You

Best Jobs for Introverts

Are you an introvert who feels like the traditional 9-5 office job isn’t for them? Have no fear – there are plenty of career options out there that may be a better fit!

From becoming a digital nomad to finding remote work, you can find fulfilling, meaningful, and low stress jobs as an introvert. Whether you’re looking to make money on the side, want to transition into a new industry, searching for the ideal jobs for your skills, or just want more autonomy in your next career move – we’ve got you covered.

Read on to discover the best jobs for introverts that provide flexible schedules, financial benefits, and freedom!

What is introversion

Best Jobs for Introverts

Introversion is a personality trait characterized by a preference for quiet and solitary activities, a tendency to focus inwardly, and a need for downtime to recharge after social interactions. While they don’t suffer from intense fear of people, social anxiety, or similar mental health issues, an introvert’s idea of a low stress environment generally involve working in a quiet space where they have minimal interaction with other people.

An introvert tends to be described as a shy person. However, the truth is that they’re introspective, thoughtful, and observant, and they may feel drained or sometimes even experience anxiety symptoms from too much social interaction or external stimulation. Typically, small talk can drain their social skills, and they deem large groups to be high stress situations. They often value deep connections and spending time with a small circle of close friends or family members rather than a large network of acquaintances asking about their personal life. 

Introversion is often contrasted with extroversion, which is a personality trait characterized by a preference for social activities, a tendency to focus outwardly, and a need for external stimulation to recharge. However, it’s worth noting that introversion and extroversion are not absolute categories, and many people exhibit traits of both.

What are introverts good for?

Best Jobs for Introverts

Introverts possess a wide range of skills and abilities that can be valuable in various contexts. Here are a few areas where introverts tend to excel:

Analysis and reflection

Introverts tend to be great at analyzing information, reflecting on it, and coming up with thoughtful, well-reasoned conclusions. This makes them well-suited for jobs that require research, data analysis, or strategic planning.

Creative problem-solving

Introverts often have active inner lives and rich imaginations. They can use this to their advantage when solving problems, and coming up with unique and creative solutions that may not have been considered by others.

Listening and empathy

Introverts tend to be great listeners and are often skilled at empathizing with others. They can be valuable team members in settings where collaboration and communication are essential.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Independence and focus

Introverts tend to work well independently and can concentrate on tasks for extended periods. This can make them well-suited for jobs that require deep focus, attention to detail, or working alone.

Reliability and consistency

Introverts tend to be dependable and consistent in their work, which can make them valuable team members. They are often detail-oriented and follow through on commitments, which can help ensure that projects are completed on time and to a high standard.

Introverts can excel in many areas and can be valuable contributors to any workplace. It’s important to recognize and appreciate the unique strengths that introverts bring to the table and to create an environment that supports and leverages those strengths.

Best Jobs for Introverts | Find the Right Career for You

Best Jobs for Introverts

There are many careers that can be well-suited for introverts, as they provide opportunities for independent work, focused concentration, and minimal social interaction. Here are some examples of jobs that may be a good fit for introverts:

Data Entry Specialist or Data Analyst 

Data entry specialists and data analysts are responsible for collecting, organizing, and analyzing data. This data can be used to help make business decisions or solve problems. Introverts often excel in a data entry specialist or analyst role as they are able to focus intensely on tasks and pay attention to detail.


The finance sector offers one of the best jobs for introverts. Accountants are responsible for keeping financial records, preparing tax returns, and auditing financial statements. This job requires precision and attention to detail, both of which are qualities that introverts possess. Additionally, introverts tend to do well in jobs that require little interaction with others.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Web Developer 

Web developers are responsible for designing, coding, and maintaining websites. This job requires strong technical skills and attention to detail, both of which are qualities that introverts possess. Additionally, a career path as a web developer can allow an introvert to work independently or remotely as long as they are up to date on software programs, computer languages, and other computer programming requirements. Working as a web developer can be ideal for introverts who prefer not to work in traditional office environments.


Librarians are responsible for organizing and maintaining library collections. They also help people find information and answer research questions. This job is perfect for introverts as it requires little interaction with others and allows you to spend time alone reading or working on projects. It’s also an excellent low stress job. Interestingly, with enough training and experience, librarians tend to have high paying jobs in the long run.

Best Jobs for Introverts


Writers are another great option for introverts. This job allows you to use your imagination and creativity to craft stories or communicate ideas. This role can take on various forms, from creative writing to technical writing. Content writing for various companies or clients is also an excellent remote job for introverts. Writers typically work in offices or at home, where they have the freedom to write whenever inspiration strikes.


Editors are similar to writers, but they focus on correcting errors and making sure that written materials meet certain standards. Some editors dabble in working in technical writing as well. Editors typically work in offices, but some may work from home or remotely.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Social Media Manager 

If you’re an introvert, then a job that requires you to constantly interact with others is probably not the best fit for you. However, a job that allows you to interact with others on your own terms might be a better option.

A social media manager is responsible for creating and managing a company’s social media presence. This includes creating and posting content, responding to comments and messages, and monitoring social media analytics. introverts are often good at this type of work as they are able to carefully consider their words before speaking or writing them down.

Best Jobs for Introverts


Transcriptionist can be a good job for introverts as it typically involves working independently, focusing on listening and transcribing audio or video files. Transcriptionists can work for a variety of industries, including legal, medical, or entertainment, and can work either in-house or remotely as freelancers. Generally, this is one of the best jobs for introverts as it is low stress and typically allows employees to work on their own schedule.

Best Jobs for Introverts


Archivists often prefer to work independently so that they can concentrate on organizing and preserving historical records without distractions from other people, making this position one of the best jobs for introverts. Being an introvert can help archivists stay focused on their work and pay attention to detail.


Research, particularly the job of research scientists, can be an ideal career for introverts, as it often requires deep concentration and independent work. This can be a good fit for introverts who enjoy pursuing knowledge and developing new ideas. At times, a research scientist would make a career change or simply dabble in working as a technical writer. After spending time dealing with academic jargon, the switch tends to be a smooth transition.

Graphic Designer

Graphic design can be a great career choice for introverts, as it often involves working independently and using creative skills to create visuals for various clients and projects. Graphic designers may work in-house for a company or organization or as freelancers, which can provide even greater autonomy and flexibility.

Can introverts excel as digital nomads?

Best Jobs for Introverts

Being a digital nomad can be a great option for introverts, as it allows for flexibility, independence, low stress, and the ability to work remotely. Generally, a digital nomad and an introvert’s dream job or ideal job is a position that allows them to work on their own schedule and own pace with minimal human interaction while still allowing room for professional growth.

Here are a few reasons why being a digital nomad might be a good fit for introverts:

Independence and autonomy

Digital nomads often have a lot of control over their work schedules and environments. This can be particularly appealing for introverts who value independence and autonomy in their work.

Flexibility and adaptability

Digital nomads need to be able to adapt to new environments and workspaces frequently. While this can be challenging, it can also be an exciting opportunity for introverts who enjoy new experiences and the chance to explore new places.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Focus and concentration

Many digital nomads work independently and remotely, which can allow for deep focus and concentration. This can be considered a low stress work environment for introverts who tend to work well alone and can be easily distracted by social interactions in a traditional office setting.

Reduced social pressure

While digital nomads may interact with other travelers or coworkers, there is often less pressure to engage in social activities in large groups than in a traditional office setting. This can be a relief for introverts who may experience high stress and feel drained by too much social interaction.

Best Jobs for Introverts

Overall, being a digital nomad can be a great option for introverts who value independence, autonomy, and the ability to work remotely.

However, it’s important to recognize that not all introverts are the same, and some may prefer a more stable and predictable work environment.

As with any career choice, it’s important to consider individual preferences, strengths, and goals when deciding whether being a digital nomad is the right fit.


While it’s true that introverts may prefer careers that don’t involve excessive social interaction, it’s important to remember that everyone’s preferences and strengths are different, regardless of their personality type. Some introverts’ idea of a perfect job may include working with others in small groups or one-on-one interactions, while others may prefer working alone.

When considering the best jobs, it’s important to take into account not just your personality but also your skills, interests, and values.

For example, an introverted person who enjoys writing and research may be well-suited for a career in journalism or academia, even though those fields may involve some social interaction and might typically cause high stress.

On the other hand, an extroverted person who enjoys helping others may thrive in a career as a social worker or therapist, even though those careers may involve working with people in emotional distress.

Ultimately, the best jobs for introverts or for any individual are those that align with their unique strengths, interests, and values. While personality can be a helpful guide in career exploration or career change, it should not be the sole determining factor.

It’s important to consider a range of factors when deciding on the perfect job, including job responsibilities, lower stress, work-life balance, salary, and opportunities for growth and advancement.

With the right amount of research and consideration, you can find a job that best suits your individual needs. Good luck!


Quotes on Adventure | Inspiring Words for an Adventurous Spirit

Quotes on Adventure

Adventures can be an excellent way to explore the world and expand your perspective. When you go on a daring adventure or find yourself exploring a strange town, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in new environments, cultures, and experiences, which can help you gain a deeper understanding of the world around you.

Quotes on Adventure

Benefits of going on adventures

Great adventures bring you limitless opportunities to possibly find or discover all the beautiful things in this wonderful world.

Adventures fill your soul and can be a very enriching and fulfilling experience for many reasons. After all, life is an adventure. It is, in fact, the biggest adventure of all. It’s up to your to live the life of your dreams; you can either turn it into a daring adventure or spend such a dreadful time. Here are some of the benefits of going on adventures:

Expanding your worldview

Going on adventures can expose you to new perspectives, ideas, and ways of human life. By experiencing different cultures, meeting new people, making new friends, and encountering different ways of doing things, you can expand your worldview and become more open-minded and empathetic.

Quotes on Adventure

Personal growth

Just like what most life adventure quotes say, going on a great adventure can help you grow as a person. It might also make for truly funny adventure quotes that you can share with friends and family. When you face new challenges and push yourself out of your comfort zone, it’s vital not to lose sight of the big picture and avoid looking at these things as only an inconvenience. That way, you can learn a lot about yourself and develop new skills and strengths.

Building resilience

Going on an awfully big adventure often involves facing challenges and obstacles, which can help you develop resilience and grit. By pushing through difficulties and overcoming setbacks, you can learn to persevere and become more resilient in the face of future challenges. Keeping in mind that life is an adventure, the lessons you learn from the experience can help you achieve the life of your dreams.

Quotes on Adventure

Developing new skills

A great adventure can also help you develop new skills and talents. Whether you’re learning how to rock climb, speak a new language, or navigate a new city, you are constantly challenging yourself to learn and grow.

Health and well-being

A daring adventure often involves physical activity, which can be great for your health and well-being. Whether it’s hiking, swimming, or skiing, getting outside and moving your body can help you feel better physically and mentally.

Quotes on Adventure

Connection with others

SOme of the most inspirational adventure quotes come from embracing the daring adventure and the chance to connect with other people. At the very basic core, traveling with friends, family, or strangers, shared experiences can bring people closer together and create lasting bonds.

Building empathy

Quotes about adventure also talk about how great adventures also help you build empathy and compassion for others. By meeting people from different walks of life and experiencing their day to day obstacles and triumphs firsthand as well as learning what other men dream of, you can gain a greater understanding of their perspectives and develop a greater sense of compassion and empathy.

Quotes on Adventure

Boosting confidence

Going on adventures can help boost your confidence and self-esteem. However, you don’t to risk going too far or traveling a thousand miles just to live your own classic adventure quote. A man’s living spirit can easily get revitalized the moment you step outside your routine and try something new. When you achieve something new or overcome a challenge, you can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment that can help you feel more confident in yourself and your abilities.

Fun and excitement

Finally, going on adventures is just plain fun! Some of the most famous adventure quotes talk about trying new things, seeing new places, and having new experiences can be incredibly exciting and rewarding.

Overall, going on adventures can help you learn, grow, and have fun. It’s about trying not to lose sight of the beautiful experiences one can enjoy in this crazy life. It’s about keeping in mind that life is an adventure that needs to be explored and the human spirit is insatiable and won’t be fulfilled with only the essential facts. So if you have the opportunity to go on a grand adventure, don’t hesitate to take it!

Quotes on Adventure

Quotes on Adventure | Inspiring Words for an Adventurous Spirit

A great adventure can be a powerful way to expand your perspective and gain a deeper understanding of the world around you. Besides, you cannot discover new oceans unless you embark on embracing the daring adventure that comes your way.

Whether you’re traveling to a new country, trying a new sport, or simply stepping outside of your comfort zone, adventures can help you grow, learn, experience the most pleasant sensations, and explore the world in new and exciting ways.

If you need more inspiration, here are inspiring adventure quotes or adventure sayings to give you that much-needed push to go take that trip. Remember, your next adventure awaits.

Quotes on Adventure

“If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.” – Seth Godin

This quote on adventure underscores the idea tha trying something that scares you can be beneficial is a common piece of advice, and there is some truth to it.

When you do something that scares you, you’re often stepping outside of your comfort zone and facing your fears. This can be a valuable experience because it can help you build confidence, resilience, and overcome limiting beliefs.

Taking on a challenge that initially scares you can also lead to personal growth and development. It can help you to learn new skills, gain new experiences, and broaden your perspectives. Sometimes, the things that scare us the most are the things we need to do to move forward in life.

Quotes on Adventure

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!” ― Hunter S. Thompson

This adventure quote, often attributed to Hunter S. Thompson, speaks to the idea that life is meant to be lived fully and passionately, rather than simply existing in a safe and comfortable manner. It suggests that we should not be afraid to take risks, to make mistakes, and to push ourselves out of our comfort zones in pursuit of our dreams and desires.

Living life to the fullest means embracing both the highs and lows, the successes and failures, and being willing to take on new challenges and adventures. It means fully immersing ourselves in the present moment, being open to new experiences, and not holding back due to fear or uncertainty.

Quotes on Adventure

“The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.” – John Muir

John Muir was a renowned naturalist and conservationist who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This quote speaks to his love of exploring and his passion for the natural world.

In this quote, Muir expresses his desire to see as much of the world as possible before his time is up. He recognizes the vastness and diversity of the world and wants to experience it all. He sees life as a fleeting opportunity to explore, discover, and appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around us.

This quote encourages us to embrace our sense of wonder and curiosity, to seek out new experiences, and to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world around us. It reminds us that life is short, and that we should make the most of our time by exploring, discovering, and appreciating all that the world has to offer.

Quotes on Adventure

“And then there is the most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want, on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar

This adventure quote warns us about the danger of not pursuing our passions and dreams in life, in exchange for the promise of a more secure and comfortable future. It suggests that waiting to pursue what we truly want in life is a risky bet, as we may never get the chance to do so.

Randy Komisar is pointing out that the pursuit of financial stability and security, while important, should not come at the expense of our own happiness and fulfillment. He reminds us that life is short and unpredictable, and that we should not put off pursuing our dreams and passions for a future that may never come.

Quotes on Adventure

“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Sir Edmund Hillary

This adventure quote, spoken by Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first climbers to reach the summit of Mount Everest, speaks to the idea that the greatest obstacle we face in achieving our goals is often ourselves.

While climbing a mountain may seem like a daunting task, the real challenge lies within ourselves – in our fears, doubts, and limitations. The journey to the top of the mountain requires not just physical strength and skill, but also mental toughness and resilience.

By conquering ourselves, we gain a deeper understanding of our own capabilities and limitations. We learn to push through fear and doubt, to persevere in the face of adversity, and to keep moving forward even when the path ahead seems steep and treacherous.

Ultimately, by conquering ourselves, we can achieve great things and reach new heights in our personal and professional lives.

Quotes on Adventure

“If happiness is the goal – and it should be, then adventures should be top priority.” – Richard Branson

This adventure quote highlights the importance of prioritizing experiences and adventures in life as a means of achieving happiness.

By seeking out new experiences and embracing adventure, we can enrich our lives, learn more about ourselves and the world around us, and ultimately find greater happiness and fulfillment.

This is one of the quotes about adventure that encourages us to live life to the fullest, to embrace new experiences and challenges, and to seek out adventure as a means of achieving greater happiness and fulfillment. It reminds us that the journey itself can be just as important as the destination, and that the memories and experiences we create along the way are what make life truly worthwhile.

Quotes on Adventure

“If you want to know the truth of who you are, walk until not a person knows your name. Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass. A long stretch of road will teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet.” – Patrick Rothfuss

This adventure quote suggests that travel can be a powerful teacher, but it is not always easy or pleasant. The challenges and difficulties we encounter on the road can be difficult to bear, but they can also be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

According to Rothfuss, travel is a great leveler, meaning that it can help us see ourselves and others as equals, without the social hierarchies and status symbols that we may be used to. It is also a great teacher, offering us new perspectives and insights that we may not have encountered otherwise.

The quote suggests that the process of self-discovery is not always easy or comfortable, and may even be bitter or cruel at times. However, the rewards of gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us are worth the struggles we may encounter along the way.

Quotes on Adventure

“Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” — Bob Bitchin

This quote from Bob Bitchin highlights the importance of attitude in shaping our experiences in life. According to Bitchin, the way we approach a situation can determine the distinction between an ordeal and an adventure– that the way we perceive our experiences is largely determined by our own mindset and perspective.

If we approach challenges with a positive attitude and a sense of daring adventure, we are more likely to enjoy the journey and see the obstacles we encounter as opportunities for growth and learning. On the other hand, if we approach challenges with a negative attitude and a sense of dread, we are more likely to feel overwhelmed and see the obstacles we encounter as a burden or an ordeal.

Quotes on Adventure

“A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints.” – Wilfred Peterson

In this adventure quote, Wilfred Peterson suggests that adventure can be found in the pursuit of new experiences and the breaking of routines. According to Peterson, the biggest adventure of anyone’s life is not limited to grand, daring escapades, but can also be found in the everyday pursuit of novelty and discovery.

Like the underlying message of most awesome adventure quotes, Peterson suggests that one way to cultivate a sense of adventure is to break the chains of routine and try new things. By exposing ourselves to new experiences and perspectives, we can renew our sense of wonder and curiosity about the world, and find new opportunities for growth and learning.

Quotes on Adventure

“Travel is not really about leaving our homes, but leaving our habits.” – Pico Iyer

This adventure quote by Pico Iyer suggests that the essence of travel lies in the transformative power of stepping out of our comfort zones and familiar routines, rather than simply going to a new physical location.

By breaking free from our habitual ways of thinking and behaving, we can gain a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This is why travel is often seen as a transformative experience, one that can lead to personal insights and revelations.

Quotes on Adventure

“Then I realized that to be more alive, I had to be less afraid. So I did it. I lost my fear and gained my whole life.” – Anonymous

This adventure quote talks about how fear can often hold you back from experiencing life to the fullest or living the life of your dreams. It can prevent us from taking risks, trying new things, or pursuing our dreams. However, when we confront our fears and push past them, we can open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.

By losing our fear, we can gain a sense of liberation and empowerment. Of course, facing our fears is not always easy. It can be scary, uncomfortable, and even painful at times. But when we push through those difficult moments and emerge on the other side, we often find that our fear is holding us back from living the life we truly want.

Quotes on Adventure

“I travel because I’d rather look back at my life, saying ‘I can’t believe I did that’ instead of ‘if only I had’.” – Florine Bos

This is one quotes about adventure that captures the spirit of adventure and the desire to live life to the fullest. It suggests that the fear of regret can be a powerful motivator to step outside of our comfort zones and explore the world.

Traveling allows us to create memories, gain new experiences, and make connections with people and cultures different from our own. By doing so, we can look back on our lives with a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and wonder, rather than regret for missed opportunities.

Quotes on Adventure

“The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

This is one of the inspiration adventure quotes that Roosevelt highlights the idea that the purpose of life is to live it to the fullest, to embrace new experiences, and to continuously grow and learn. Living life to the fullest means embracing both the joys and the challenges that come our way. It means being open to new ideas and perspectives, and constantly pushing ourselves to grow and develop as individuals.

At its core, this quote is a call to action, encouraging us to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and pursue our passions with passion and purpose. Whether it’s traveling to new places, trying new things, or pushing ourselves to achieve our goals, the key is to approach life with a sense of curiosity and excitement, always eager for what comes next. By doing so, we can create a life that is full of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.

Quotes on Adventure

“I travel because I become uncomfortable being too comfortable.” – Carew Papritz

This is one of the quotes about adventure that suggests that the comfort of familiarity can sometimes feel stifling or limiting, and that by traveling, we can break free of those constraints and explore new horizons.

Traveling can be a way of shaking things up, of disrupting our routines and exposing us to new ideas and ways of living. It can push us to confront our fears and prejudices, and to learn and grow in ways that we never would have thought possible.

At the same time, this quote also acknowledges that stepping out of our comfort zones can be uncomfortable or even scary at times. But it’s precisely those moments of discomfort that can lead to the greatest personal growth and transformation.

Quotes on Adventure

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

This is one of the most famous adventure quotes. It’s from J.R.R. Tolkien, which was spoken by the character Gandalf to Frodo in “The Lord of the Rings.” In the context of the story, Gandalf is urging Frodo to embark on a perilous journey that will take him far from his home and into unknown lands.

However, the quote can also be applied to the challenges and opportunities we face in our own lives. It speaks to the risks and uncertainties that come with stepping out of our comfort zones and venturing into the unknown.

It suggests that there is an inherent danger in exploring new paths, attempting to seek hazardous adventures, and taking on new challenges, but that the rewards can be great if we are brave enough to take the first step.

Quotes on Adventure

“If you don’t get out of the box you’ve been raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is.” – Angelina Jolie

Growing up in a particular environment can shape our perspectives and beliefs, but it can also narrow our vision and prevent us from seeing beyond our own experiences. By venturing beyond the familiar, we can gain new perspectives and insights that broaden our understanding of the world and help us to connect with others in meaningful ways.

Ultimately, this is one of the inspirational adventure quotes that reminds us that the world is a vast and complex place, and that the only way to truly understand it is to venture beyond the box of our own upbringing and experiences. By doing so, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of the world around us, and connect with others in ways that enrich our lives and help us to grow as individuals.

Quotes on Adventure

“I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” – Diane Ackerman

This quote by Diane Ackerman speaks to the desire to live a full and meaningful life, one that is not defined solely by the number of years we have spent on this earth, but by the breadth and depth of our experiences. This is one of the inspirational adventure quotes that suggest that it is not enough to simply exist or go through the motions of daily life. Rather, we must actively seek out new experiences, explore different perspectives, and embrace the world with a sense of curiosity and wonder.

Living the “width” of our lives means taking risks, pursuing our passions, and pushing beyond our comfort zones. It means seeking out new challenges and opportunities, even if they scare us or take us out of our familiar routines. By embracing the width of our lives, we can cultivate a sense of vitality, purpose, and fulfillment that transcends the mere passage of time.

Quotes on Adventure

“Jobs fill your pockets, but adventures fill your soul.” – Jaime Lyn

This quote by Jaime Lyn suggests that while material wealth and financial stability are important, they alone cannot bring us true fulfillment and happiness. In saying that our jobs fill our pockets but adventures fill our soul, it points out that while jobs may provide us with a steady income and a sense of security, they can also be monotonous and unfulfilling if we don’t find meaning or purpose in what we do.

On the other hand, adventures and new experiences can challenge us, inspire us, and awaken our senses, leaving us with a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Quotes on Adventure

“I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” – Eric Roth

This is one of the famous adventure quotes that acknowledges that life can be unpredictable and that we may encounter situations that startle us or push us outside of our comfort zones. However, rather than fearing these moments, the quote encourages us to embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning.

It reminds us that living a fulfilling life requires us to take risks, to embrace new experiences, and to be willing to make difficult choices. However, if we find ourselves in a situation that we are not proud of, the quote encourages us to have the strength to start over again and to pursue a path that aligns with our values and aspirations.

Quotes on Adventure

“Adventure isn’t all about rowing oceans or climbing mountains. Adventure in its purest form is simply a way of thinking. Live by that philosophy and you’ll make more of the short time we’ve been given on this rock.” – Sean Conway, endurance adventurer

While many people associate adventure with extreme activities such as rowing oceans or climbing mountains, the quote emphasizes that adventure can be found in the everyday experiences and decisions that shape our lives. At its core, the quote suggests that the key to living a fulfilling life is to embrace a mindset of adventure and to approach each day with a sense of purpose and passion. By doing so, we can make the most of the time we have on this planet and create a life that is rich with meaning, growth, and fulfillment.

This quote is a reminder that adventure is not limited to a select few but is available to anyone who approaches life with a spirit of exploration and a willingness to take risks. By embracing this mindset, we can discover new opportunities, challenge ourselves, and make the most of the time we have on this earth.

Quotes on Adventure

Adventures can change your life

Adventures can certainly be one of the best ways to explore what life has to offer.

By stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying new things, you can experience the world in a more profound and meaningful way.

Adventures can give you a sense of excitement and wonder that can be hard to find in day-to-day life, and can help you learn more about yourself and the world around you.

Quotes on Adventure

Whether you’re traveling to a new place, trying a new activity, or simply pushing yourself to do something you’ve never done before, adventures can help you grow, learn, and make meaningful memories that last a lifetime.

So if you have the opportunity to go on an adventure, seize it! You never know what amazing experiences and opportunities it might lead to.

9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

Traveling can profoundly affect one’s soul by broadening one’s perspective and understanding of the world. It can also help break down cultural barriers and prejudices and foster empathy and compassion for others. However, recent travel restrictions have made it challenging to go out and explore the world. So, for now, one good way to plan your next trip or adventure is to watch these inspiring movies about nomads.



It can be a source of personal growth and self-discovery because it allows people to step outside their comfort zones and gain new experiences and insights. Traveling can also be a source of inspiration and renewal for the soul because it allows people to connect with new places, people, and cultures while recharging their spirits through exposure to new and different environments.

9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World


If you’re still figuring out where to go, check out these movies about nomads to help you decide. These nomad movies and documentaries inspire viewers to travel the world by showcasing the beauty and diversity of different cultures, landscapes, ways of life, and even the minimalist lifestyle.

These movies about nomads highlight the personal growth and self-discovery that can come from embarking on a journey, like an epic road trip, solo hike, exploring the Alaskan wilderness, or crossing the Indian Ocean.

Learning about the nomadic life of actual and real life nomads could provide a powerful motivation to help you go after a location independent lifestyle and craft your own real life story filled with your own adventures as you step outside your comfort zone. Additionally, these famous nomad movies can provide a glimpse into the freedom and adventure experienced while traveling and experiencing the digital nomad lifestyle.


9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

One of the best movies about nomads is “Nomadland,” which is a 2020 American drama film directed by Chloe Zhao and written by Zhao and Jessica Bruder. The film stars Frances McDormand as a woman named Fern who, following the economic collapse of a company town in rural Nevada, becomes a modern-day nomad, living the van life throughout the American West and camping in Bureau of Land Management sites.

The movie received critical acclaim and has been praised for its stunning cinematography, performances, and portrayal of the nomad lifestyle. The film was nominated for multiple awards, including six Oscars, and won several of them, including best picture and best director, at the 93rd Academy Awards.

Critics have praised the film for its realistic and compassionate portrayal of the nomadic lifestyle and its sensitive and nuanced exploration of themes such as community, loss, and resilience.

The film has been described as a “beautiful and deeply felt tribute” to the nomadic community and has been commended for its ability to convey the sense of freedom and adventure that comes with living on the road, as well as its honest and unflinching depiction of the challenges and hardships that the nomads face.


Expedition Happiness

9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

Another headliner in the list of best movies about nomads is “Expedition Happiness,” which is a 2017 German documentary film directed by Felix Starck and Selima Taibi. The film follows the journey of a young couple, Felix and Selima, as they renovate a school bus and travel across North America with their dog.

The movie received mixed reviews from critics; some praised the film for its stunning visuals and portrayal of the nomadic lifestyle, while others criticized it for its lack of depth and focus on privileged travelers.

Critics have commended the film for its beautiful and evocative cinematography, which captures North America’s stunning landscapes and natural beauty. They also praised the film for portraying the couple’s relationship and their experience living on a bus.

However, some reviewers have criticized the film for its lack of depth and focus on privileged travelers and for not fully exploring the challenges and difficulties of living on the road, neglecting the issues faced when embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle.

Overall, the movie is visually stunning, capturing the beauty of the nomadic lifestyle and the adventure of traveling with a loved one. Still, it may need a deeper exploration of the challenges and difficulties of living on the road.


9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

Among the movies about nomads released in the past years, “Wild” is arguably one of the most widely acclaimed. It is a 2014 American true story drama directed by Jean-Marc Vallée and written by Nick Hornby. The film stars Reese Witherspoon as Cheryl Strayed, a woman who hikes the Pacific Crest Trail alone as a way to cope with the recent loss of her mother and the dissolution of her marriage.

Critics have praised the film for its powerful and emotional performances, particularly Witherspoon’s portrayal of Strayed, which has been described as “brave and raw.” They also praised the film for its realistic and honest portrayal of Strayed’s challenges and emotional turmoil on her journey.

The film has also been lauded for its cinematography, which captures the breathtaking scenery of the Pacific Crest Trail, and for its ability to convey the sense of independence and self-discovery that accompanies a solo journey.

Overall, the movie is a well-crafted and emotionally powerful film that tells a story of personal growth and self-discovery through the lens of a solitary journey.


9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

“Tracks” is a 2013 Australian biographical drama film directed by John Curran and written by Marion Nelson. The film stars Mia Wasikowska as Robyn Davidson, a young woman who embarks on a solo journey across the Australian desert with her dog and four camels.

The movie generally received positive reviews from critics. It was praised for its performances, particularly Wasikowska’s portrayal of Davidson and the harsh and unforgiving terrain of the Australian desert.

Like most movies about nomads, it featured spectacular landscapes. It particularly focused on the Australian desert, which was captured in the film’s beautiful and evocative photography.

The film has been hailed for its ability to depict the sense of adventure and self-discovery that comes with setting out on a journey alone. They also gave the performances high marks, singling out Wasikowska for her “compelling” and “nuanced” turn as Davidson.

The film has also been commended for its realistic and honest portrayal of the physical and emotional challenges that Davidson faces on her journey and its exploration of themes such as identity and self-discovery.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

Another standout in this list of movies about nomads is “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.” It is a 2013 American fantasy-comedy-drama film directed by Ben Stiller and written by Steve Conrad.

The film stars Ben Stiller as Walter Mitty, a timid and daydreaming photo editor at Life magazine who embarks on a journey to find a missing negative for a photograph that will be the last ever printed in the magazine.

Critics have praised the film for its visually stunning shots and performances, particularly Ben Stiller’s portrayal of Walter Mitty, which has been described as “charming” and “endearing.”

They also found the film’s depiction of the beauty of the world and the process of coming into one’s own to be uplifting and moving.

However, some reviewers and fans of digital nomad movies criticized the film for its slow pacing and for not fully exploring its themes, such as the transition from print to digital media, the loss of jobs and the sense of identity that come with it.

All in all, the movie is a visually stunning film that tells a story of personal growth and self-discovery through the lens of a journey to find a missing negative and the beauty of the world. It’s one of the most inspiring movies for any aspiring digital nomad. But it may need to explore the themes of a nomadic journey it presents fully.

The Way

9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

“The Way” is a 2010 American drama film directed by Emilio Estevez and written by Estevez and Jack Hodge. The film stars Martin Sheen as Tom, an American ophthalmologist who travels to France to collect the remains of his adult son (played by Estevez), who died while hiking the Camino de Santiago, an ancient pilgrimage trail in Spain.

The movie generally received positive reviews from critics. It was praised for its performances, particularly Martin Sheen’s portrayal of Tom and its portrayal of the personal journey of the main character.

Critics have praised the film for its performances, particularly Martin Sheen’s portrayal of Tom, which has been described as “poignant” and “moving.” They also praised the film for its realistic and honest portrayal of the emotional journey that Tom goes through as he grapples with the loss of his son and the meaning of life.

The film has also received praise for its superb cinematography, which portrays the stunning scenery of the Camino de Santiago, as well as its ability to express the spiritual and personal revelation that comes with embarking on a pilgrimage.

Overall, it is one of the movies about nomads that’s well-crafted and emotionally powerful. It effectively tells a story of personal growth and self-discovery through the lens of a pilgrimage journey and the loss of a loved one.


Eat, Pray, Love

9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

No list of movies about nomads is complete with “Eat, Pray, Love.” This is a 2010 American true story romantic drama film directed by Ryan Murphy and written by Ryan Murphy, Jennifer Salt, and Elizabeth Gilbert. The film stars Julia Roberts as Elizabeth Gilbert, a woman who embarks on a year-long journey of self-discovery across Italy, India and Indonesia.

Critics have praised the film for its performances, particularly Julia Roberts’ portrayal of Elizabeth Gilbert, which has been described as “engaging” and “sincere.” They also praised the film for its ability to convey the personal growth and self-discovery that comes with embarking on a journey of self-discovery.

However, some reviewers criticized the film for its lack of depth and focus on privileged characters and for not fully exploring the challenges and difficulties that come with personal growth and self-discovery. The movie has also been criticized for its representation of the culture and spirituality of the places the main character visited.

Overall, the movie is a well-crafted and engaging film that tells a story of personal growth and self-discovery through the lens of a journey across three different countries. But it may need a deeper exploration of the themes it presents and the representation of culture and spirituality of the places visited.

A Map for Saturday

9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

“A Map for Saturday” is a 2007 American documentary directed by Brook Silva-Braga. The film follows Silva-Braga as he embarks on a solo journey around the world, backpacking and staying in hostels, to explore the world of long-term solo travel and the people he meets along the way.

The movie generally received positive reviews from critics and was praised for its portrayal of the nomadic lifestyle and the director’s personal journey.

Critics have praised the film for its honest and unflinching portrayal of the nomadic lifestyle and for its ability to convey the freedom and adventure that comes with living on the road. They also praised the film for its portrayal of the director’s personal journey, which has been described as “inspiring” and “eye-opening.”

The film has also been commended for its ability to capture the diversity of experiences and perspectives of travelers from around the world and for its exploration of themes such as identity and self-discovery.

Seven Years in Tibet

9 Movies About Nomads That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

“Seven Years in Tibet” is a 1997 American biographical war drama film directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud and written by Annaud and Becky Johnston, based on the 1952

book of the same name by Heinrich Harrer. The film stars Brad Pitt as Heinrich Harrer, an Austrian mountain climber imprisoned in India during World War II, who escapes and travels to Tibet, where he befriends and becomes a tutor to the young Dalai Lama.

The movie generally received positive reviews from critics. It was praised for its performances, particularly Brad Pitt’s portrayal of Heinrich Harrer, and for its portrayal of the culture and spirituality of Tibet.

The film has also been commended for its cinematography, which captures the stunning landscapes and culture of Tibet and for its honest and unflinching portrayal of the story’s historical context, including the Chinese invasion of Tibet.

Overall, the movie is a well-crafted and evocative film that tells a story of friendship and personal growth through the lens of a journey to Tibet and the people and culture encountered along the way.



Travel-related or digital nomad movies can be a great way to explore the world without leaving your home, and they can inspire, educate and entertain you. They offer a glimpse into the freedom and adventure experienced on the road.

Many movies about traveling feature characters on a journey of self-discovery; these stories can be relatable and inspire personal growth in the viewers.

More importantly, movies about traveling can inspire anyone to travel and pursue the digital nomad experience. By showcasing the beauty and diversity of different cultures, landscapes, and ways of life, movies about traveling can spark a sense of curiosity and adventure in viewers.

They can also highlight the personal growth and self-discovery that can come from embarking on a journey and stepping outside one’s comfort zone. Additionally, digital nomad movies or films about traveling can provide a glimpse into the freedom and adventure that can be experienced while traveling, inspiring people to plan their trips.

However, it’s important to note that digital nomad movies are a form of storytelling, and the representation of a place or culture may not be entirely accurate or reflective of reality. Nonetheless, this list of remarkably inspiring and most famous nomad movies can still push people to explore the world and have their own experiences and perspectives as digital nomads.

Best Laptops for Digital Nomads [2022]

Best laptops for digital nomads

A laptop is a digital nomad’s best friend. Most remote workers can get by with virtually any type of laptop, but that’s not the case for digital nomads. Finding the best laptops for digital nomads is a top priority if you want to have a smooth sailing remote work experience. Besides, it’s called a “laptop lifestyle” for a reason!

It’s your office, your library, your entertainment center, and your lifeline to the rest of the world. But with so many options on the market, it can be tough to know which one is right for you.

Not only do you need a working lightweight laptop, but you need the right kind of laptop for your digital nomad lifestyle.

The best laptops for remote workers who are also digital nomads have some unique characteristics, so budget laptops that suit work-from-home needs may not be enough.

What to Look for in a Digital Nomad Laptop

Every digital nomad has different requirements when it comes to remote work. Some digital nomads prefer Windows laptops while others want Apple laptops.

Best laptops for digital nomads

There are those who want to limit their search to the best budget laptops and lightest laptop lists while others want to look for powerful laptop and performance laptop options.

No matter your definition of the best laptop for working as a digital nomad, there are a few key factors to consider.


Most digital nomads prefer an ultraportable laptop, weighing under 3.5 pounds. The best laptop is compact and won’t weigh you down (or break your back) when you’re on the move.

Ideally, the best lightweight laptop for a digital nomad on the road would be something you can easily and conveniently use in tight spaces such as airplanes.

Battery Life

When you’re working from anywhere, you need a laptop with long battery life. Look for laptops with at least 8 hours of battery life. This digital nomad laptop will give you enough power to get through a full day of work, even if you’re not near an outlet.

When checking this detail on a performance laptop or a budget laptop, make sure to look at third-party reviews because manufacturers tend to exaggerate details in terms of battery power.


Another important factor to consider is connectivity. If you’re going to be working from different places, the best laptop for working can connect to the internet no matter where you are.

Look for digital nomad laptops with built-in LTE or at least have the option to add an external modem. This way, you won’t have to worry about finding a Wi-Fi hotspot when you’re on the go.

Best laptops for digital nomads


The processor is the heart of the best digital nomad laptops, so you need to make sure it’s powerful enough to handle all your work needs.

For digital nomad laptops, an Intel Core i5 or Intel Core i7 processor should be more than enough. Anything less may lead to a laggy remote working laptop that can’t keep up with you.


You also need to think about storage capacity when choosing the best laptops for digital nomads.

If you plan to work with large files or store a lot of data, the best digital nomad laptop options have at least a 256GB solid-state drive. This will ensure your laptop’s storage space can keep up with you, no matter where you are.


Replacing a laptop while on the go is not fun. You want a thin laptop that’s durable enough that it won’t snap in half when you’re lugging it around in your backpack exploring a remote tropical island.

Outstanding laptops not only have amazing battery life and cool features but also have a long-lasting build. This includes an aluminum chassis, reinforced corners, and a sturdy hinge. You’ll thank me later.

Best laptops for digital nomads


Of course, price is always a factor to consider when choosing a reliable laptop. The good news is that there are plenty of light laptop and quality laptop options on the market that won’t break the bank.

However, if you plan on using your laptop for more demanding tasks, you may need to invest in a more expensive top performance laptop and splurge on higher specs than a normal laptop like a full HD monitor display, more powerful Intel core processor, laptop accessories, and even additional USB C ports.

The Best Laptops for Digital Nomads

Now that you know what to look for in a digital nomad laptop, it’s time to take a closer look at some of the best options on the market.

Keep in mind, though, that a particular laptop that I consider the best laptop for working as a digital nomad might not be the best option for you.

Best laptops for digital nomads

So, I’ll break up each laptop recommendation based on the type of remote worker you are and what you will use the laptop for as a digital nomad.

Whether you’re searching for a budget laptop, a more versatile laptop, the most lightweight and ultraportable, or the one with the most high-end specs, this guide got you covered.

Overall Best Laptop for Digital Nomads: MacBook Air

You’re probably not at all shocked to see the new MacBook Air at the top of the list of best laptops for digital nomads. After all, it is a fan favorite among remote workers. And for good reason, too.

Best laptops for digital nomads

The MacBook Air is one of the most well-rounded laptops on the market.

This affordable laptop won’t blow you away with incredibly high-tech specs, but it’s more than enough for a digital nomad to do practically everything you need it to–and do it well.

It’s lightweight and ultraportable at just 2.8 pounds (1.29 kg), making it easy to carry with you wherever you go.

Offering a fantastic battery life, the Apple MacBook Air has a new M1 chip that can guarantee up to 18 hours of power on a single charge. The long hours of battery life are clutch for digital nomads who are working remotely in areas with no or limited outlets.

The build quality is second to none, as you would expect from a MacBook, making it a durable laptop.

Best laptops for digital nomads

Unlike most laptops, the aluminum chassis is sturdy and the keyboard can withstand some serious abuse. In other words, it’s the perfect laptop for those who are constantly on the go and need a machine that can keep up with them.

The base model is offered at 8GB of RAM and 256GB of SSD storage, which is already extensive for an average user. You can customize it if you need more, but at that point, it might be a better idea to simply buy a MacBook Pro.

If you’re someone who does graphics-intensive work, such as photo editing or editing 4K videos, then you’ll most likely want to buy something more powerful.

Overall, if you’re simply looking for an all-around great laptop that won’t break the bank, the MacBook Air is one of the best options out there for digital nomads.

Best Laptop for Digital Nomads in Tech: Huawei Matebook 13

It might be heartbreaking to pry yourself away from your state-of-the-art machine at home, something you’ve built to be so fast and powerful it could easily fly you to Mars and back.

But, the digital nomad life is beckoning. That means you need to downsize and streamline.

Huawei has been slowly breaking into the laptop world and is becoming one of the most reliable names when it comes to building high-tech, reliable machines.

The Huawei Matebook 13 is an excellent representation of that reputation.

This is one of the more distinctive laptops on the market thanks to its 3:2 aspect-ratio touchscreen, which is a feature that only a handful of devices offer.

The Huawei Matebook 13 also has one of the best HD camera features on the market, which is something that’s often overlooked but can be incredibly important for digital nomads who rely on video conferencing for work.

It’s great for light gaming and can even handle some more intensive games if you’re willing to lower the graphics settings.

Moreover, the MateBook 13 is compact and surprisingly portable despite being described as a flagship laptop powered like a gaming laptop. Plus, it has an incredible battery life of almost 9 hours.

Weighing only about 2.87 pounds (1.3 kg) and measuring roughly half an inch thin, this lightweight laptop barely takes up space in your backpack but still manages to deliver a powerful performance.

Basically, this laptop can do almost everything–a jack of all trades among the best laptops for digital nomads.

Best 2-in-1 Laptop for Digital Nomads: Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 Convertible

The Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 Convertible is one of the best laptops for digital nomads who aren’t big fans of Apple. In fact, others would claim that it outshines the MacBook in some areas.

For one, the Dell XPS 13 is lighter and even more compact compared to the already very lightweight MacBook Air.

It comes with a 14+ hour battery life, which is a bit longer than the 15-hour battery life of a MacBook with Intel chips.

Unfortunately, it cannot compete with the battery life offered by the new Apple M1 chip.

With that in mind, how often do you actually require over 15 hours of battery life without charging anyway?

Its InfinityEdge HDR is one of the very few laptop screens that can go head-to-head against Mac’s retina display. Plus, the Dell XPS 13 comes with convenient anti-reflective technology.

This is a great feature for digital nomads looking to complete some remote work tasks while lounging around on the beach.

The 2-in-1 feature turns this version of Dell XPS 13 into a transformer-esque gadget that can change from a laptop to a tablet in seconds, offering you a dual-computer solution.

The tablet configuration of the Dell XPS 13 lets you use the attached stylus to drag, draw, and tap to your heart’s content.

And, there’s no need to worry about the screen since Dell secured it by using Corning Gorilla Glass that would most likely survive a coconut falling on it (don’t test this at home!).

Best Laptop for Digital Nomad Creatives: MacBook Pro

If you want to ramp things up a notch, go for the MacBook Air’s big brother: the MacBook Pro.

The MacBook Pro is arguably the most powerful option among the Apple laptops and it comes with an impressively strong processor, heaps of RAM, and all the shiny bells and whistles that you’d ever want from a brand new laptop…and then some.

Buy MacBook Pro - Apple (HK)

When you buy a MacBook Pro, you can choose between the Intel core processors or the new Apple M1 chip.

Between the two, the M1 chip comes at a lower price tag and practically double the battery life. So, I recommend this option for digital nomads.

In terms of size, the MacBook Pro is just about the same size as the Air. It’s a bit heavier at 3 pounds (1.3 kg), but the performance it delivers is well worth the extra weight.

For most people, the MacBook Air is enough. But digital nomads who are into intensive video editing and photo editing might want the power of the MacBook Pro.

The downside of the MacBook Pro is obvious: it’s more expensive than the other laptops for digital nomads.

Given its price point, you might get a bit more paranoid about getting it damaged to stolen while traveling. That said, if you’re a remote worker who needs the power of the MacBook Pro to get things done, then you’ll thank yourself for opting for quality.

Basically, the Pro is like the MacBook Air on steroids. It has a better display, more customization alternatives, louder speakers, a larger trackpad, and, of course, more processing power. On top of these, it gives you 20 hours of long battery life!

Ultimately, it all boils down to how crucial are these extra features to your life as a digital nomad.

If they’re vital to your remote work, then don’t hesitate to go for the MacBook Pro. You won’t be disappointed.

If you can live without them, then save your cash and opt for the MacBook Air (or the other non-Apple options here on the list).

Best Laptop for Digital Nomads on a Budget: Lenovo Flex 5 14″

If you want a quality portable laptop but are on a tight budget, then you can’t go wrong in choosing the Lenovo Flex 5 14.

IdeaPad Flex 5 (14'', AMD) | Versatile 14” 2-in-1 AMD Laptop | Lenovo Ireland

While it’s not as powerful as the other laptops on this list, you can still complete day-to-day tasks. You may not want to edit videos or even photos on this bad boy, but it can work perfectly fine for most remote work projects.

Actually, the Lenovo Flex 5 14 comes with a flip-around screen and a stylus. While it’s not as small and portable as the Dell XPS 13 2-in-1, the tablet mode still makes this model convenient to use on flights and in cramped spaces.

While it’s chunkier than the other ultraslim laptops listed above, Lenovo Flex 5 14 boasts a dongle-free experience thanks to its two USB-A ports, USB-C port, HDMI port, and SD card reader. That’s actually an edge it has against the likes of the MacBook Air.

All in all, the Lenovo Flex 5 14 is a starter laptop for remote workers and digital nomads.

Although it is a bit heavier, has a slightly less bright screen, and has unimpressive battery life, this is still a good laptop for digital nomads on a tight budget.

What’s the best laptop for digital nomads?

The best laptop for digital nomads ultimately comes down to your remote work requirements, budget, and preferred features.

best laptops for digital nomads 2022

If you’re a remote worker who’s only starting out and still don’t have the extra cash to splurge on one of the best laptops for digital nomads, then budget laptops with decent to long battery life can be great starter devices.

But, if your budget allows you to spend on a more powerful machine, go for one of the best laptops for digital nomads on the market. It’s an investment that will pay off in the long run.

Not only will it make your life easier, but you’ll also be able to work more efficiently and enjoy better results.

After all, your livelihood depends on it. So choose wisely and enjoy the journey!

Best Mobile Hotspot Devices [2022]


WiFi is the lifeblood of any digital nomad, but it’s often the most challenging to access. After all, how will you stay connected with your clients and deadlines if you don’t have a reliable internet connection? That said, though, finding good signal can be challenging even in more developed areas like cafes or hotels. Meanwhile, that becomes downright virtually impossible when you travel to remote villages. This is where mobile hotspot devices come in.

Best Portable Wifi Hotspot Devices for Traveling and Working Remote [2022]

For digital nomads and remote workers, stable internet access is a must. Whether you’re working on a laptop at a cozy coffee shop or trying to get some tasks done on your mobile phone during your commute, being able to connect to the world wide web is a gamechanger when it comes to productivity.

Mobile hotspot devices provide a great option to ensure a reliable internet connection. These devices create a small wireless network that you can connect to with your devices.

As a digital nomad, you may benefit from mifi device features such as a battery-saving mode and the ability to connect to multiple devices simultaneously. You can gain a more in-depth understanding of global wifi and mobile hotspots in our Ultimate Internet Guide for Digital Nomads.


Mobile hotspot devices can connect more than your laptops to the internet. These can also work just fine with your tablet, camera, and pretty much any gadget that’s wi-fi enabled. These can support multiple connections better compared to your phone’s mobile wifi hotspot mode as well as ensure that you don’t drain your phone battery.

In certain countries where cellular coverage might pose a problem and you might be worried about getting a secure connection, you can hook up these portable wifi hotspot devices to antennas to achieve better internet connection.

When looking for a mobile hotspot for digital nomads, keep the following factors in mind:

Battery life

A vital consideration when it comes to choosing a mobile hotspot device for international travel is battery life, which can range from lasting a full day on a single charge to a measly few hours. Some devices provide extra portable batteries, while others allow you to even use the mobile hotspot as a powerbank.

Determine your expectations about your wifi connection. If you plan to use the internet all day long and need to be constantly connected to search for restaurants or museums, you might need a mobile hotspot device with a longer battery life. Meanwhile, if you don’t really need wifi connection for the entire day or only need WiFi for a handful of hours, then splurging for an extra battery might not be worth it.

Budget and data allowance

The price of the device isn’t the only consideration when it comes to portable WiFi for travel. Depending on your provider and chosen mobile hotspot plan — whether you’re opting for international roaming plans or buying a local sim card when you visit other countries — you will probably have a limited use rate monthly or even daily. On top of your general mobile plan, this will also determine how much data you can use. This would also most likely affect your data speed.

If you’re under a tight budget, you should figure out how to compromise with regard your plan’s speed or data cap. Generally, though, the longer you avail of the hotspot plan, the lower the costs.

Size and weight

Mobile hotspot devices need to be exactly that: mobile. Your device needs to be portable and easy to pack. While opting for the more compact devices is the norm these days, the decision is dependent on your needs and how you envision your days.

If you’re mostly on the move, particularly on foot or use public transport, then choosing a smaller mobile hotspot device for international travel would be better for your needs. On the other hand, if you’re one of the remote professionals who plan to use the wifi device for business or corporate trips and have remote jobs requiring you to spend most hours in a single location, then a bigger hotspot device that offers longer battery life or a portable battery would benefit you more.

Check out our list and find the best mobile hotspot that suits your needs.

Best overall mobile hotspot: Skyroam Solis X

Skyroam Solis X is a new addition to the Skyroam family of mobile hotspot devices. This Skyroam device is different from its predecessors. This sleek little gadget, which basically looks like an orange puck, offers lightning-fast wifi speeds, allowing you to stay connected anytime, anywhere. Plus, the Skyroam Solis X comes equipped with a built-in power bank to keep your devices charged while you’re on the go. Simply plug your gadget in the allotted USB port, and you’re good to go.

The Skyroam Solis X wifi Smartspot sold out within the first day of its release. In fact, there were overwhelming positive Skyroam Solis X wifi Smartspot reviews from those who were able to get their hands on one. Now that the Skyroam Solis X wifi Smartspot is back in stock, I decided to take a closer look at this Skyroam device and see if it lives up to the hype.


The power button can be found at the top part of the device. A white stripe serves as the indicator for your remaining battery life, while three blinking indicator lights will tell you whether you have a good data connection.

One side of the Solis X is equipped with an 8MP camera, while the other side holds the USB-C port that you use to charge the mobile hotspot and connect your gadgets when you need a powerbank. While this is a great feature, one concern is that the powerbank can be very slow in charging your gadgets.

At the bottom, you can find a QR code. Scanning this will lead you to the Solis app, which you can connect to your smartphone. If that’s not enough, the Skyroam Solis X’s LED display can also be used as a flashlight or an emergency beacon.

Skyroam offers multiple plans depending on your needs, ranging from a single day pass to month-long contracts with unlimited data. Check out the pricing plans here.

The expected battery life for the Skyroam Solis X is 18 hours, but it only lasted roughly 10 hours when I used it. Considering that I tested it by connecting my two smartphones and laptop while also using it as a powerbank, this is pretty impressive.

With that in mind, one thing I found challenging with the Skyroam Solis X is the design of its charging port. The USB-C charging port for this device has a tiny ridge that makes it incompatible with many types of USB-C cables. Skyroam solves this issue, though, by including a USB-A adapter in the package.

After testing the Skyroam Solis X wifi Smartspot, I can say that it is an impressive device that offers excellent value for its price. Although it doesn’t come with a rental option, this device works in more than 130 countries covered. So, the Skyroam Solis X can be considered a worthy investment for digital nomads.

Best no-frills mobile hotspot: Skyroam Solis Lite

For those who don’t need the bells and whistles offered by Skyroam Solis X, there’s Solis Lite. Like the Solis X, this portable wifi device can also support up to 10 devices. It’s also small enough to easily fit in your pocket and weighs roughly the same as a regular smartphone. Considering that this gadget offers a rental option starting at $9 per day, this is a great alternative for those who want a no-frills Skyroam device.

It has the same look as the Skyroam Solis X, including the convenient QR code at the bottom for the mobile app and the problematic USB-C charging port that makes it challenging to use third-party cables. It also works as a powerbank, but likes the Solis X, it charges devices quite slowly at 5V/1A.


What differentiates the Solis X from the Solis Lite is the absence of the remote-enabled camera, speaker, and microphone, which are used for the built-in smart assistant. That means the Solis Lite is simply your basic international hotspot device with no special features and focuses solely on providing internet access. Truth be told, I didn’t really miss the smart features of the Solis X and actually prefer this option for my digital nomad needs.

Best 5G mobile hotspot: NETGEAR Nighthawk M5

NETGEAR’s Nighthawk M5 5G Mobile Hotspot Pro is one of the latest mobile hotspot devices to hit the market. NETGEAR is known for its high-quality router products, so I was curious to see how its portable wifi device would perform. The Nighthawk M5 5G Mobile Hotspot Pro did not disappoint. The device is easy to set up and use, and it offers fast reliable connectivity. I was also impressed by the Nighthawk’s battery life; I was able to use it for several hours before needing to recharge.

Theoretically, 5G can go as fast as 10 to 50 Gbps, but that’s a long way off. 5G mobile broadband should be 11 times faster than 4G if the signal is strong enough. However, there’s a catch: the Nighthawk M5 will only run at 5G speeds if you have a strong 5G signal. If you are in an outlying area, you may only get 3G or 4G speeds.

In real-world testing, I was able to consistently get speeds in excess of 100Mbps on both bands. The Nighthawk M5 also supports up to 32 concurrent connections, so you shouldn’t have any trouble connecting all your devices. It’s ideal for teams or small groups.

Source: Netgear

One of the best features of the Nighthawk M5 is its battery life. NETGEAR claims that the Nighthawk M5 can last up to 13 hours on a single charge. In practice, I discovered that this varies greatly; Wifi-6 and 5G / LTE are simply power hogs. Nonetheless, a realistic time frame of 6 to 9 hours is still good value.

However, what makes the Nighthawk M5 stand out is the fact that it’s the first C-Band hotspot in the US. Let me offer a bit of context to explain why this is a great feature. While the services of the 5G networks aren’t exactly noticeably faster than 4G networks these days, this situation will change in the coming years. When this happens, you will need a C-Band gadget to be able to take advantage of the additional capacity.

Actually, the iPhone 12 and up phones, the Samsung Galaxy series starting from the S21, and Google Pixel 5 and above are already using C-Band. Before the Nighthawk M5, no mobile hotspot has ever supported this technology.

All these features come at a steep price of $699.99. This is generally more expensive than most mobile hotspot devices and plans.

Before you get one, make sure to check the model you’re buying. The US version doesn’t seem to support 5G outside North America, which means it’ll only work as a 4G hotspot abroad. According to Netgear, this hotspot device is most compatible with AT&T and T-Mobile. If you get the international version, you’ll be able to take advantage of a different group of 5G bands in most countries.

Best plug-and-play mobile hotspot: GlocalMe Mini Turbo Wi-Fi Hotspot

You can say goodbye to expensive international roaming charges and spotty public Wi-Fi with the GlocalMe Mini Turbo Wi-Fi Hotspot. This handy little device offers fast connection and dependable LTE coverage in over 140 countries, making it an indispensable travel companion for the modern digital nomad.

I had never used a touchscreen portable wifi before the GlocalMe G4 Pro Smart 4G Mobile Global Wi-Fi Hotspot. The previous mobile hotspots I used made the apps linked to the devices indispensable, which means I needed them whenever I had to check my remaining data or battery life. This made this particular mobile hotspot different. All those information are readily displayed on the 5-inch touchscreen of the GlocalMe G4 PRO as well as in its user friendly app.

Source: GlocalMe

The touchscreen makes it easy and convenient to add data. Plus, it already has Google Maps, voice recognition translator, and TripAdvisor installed. Its straightforward interface and limited but essential options almost feel like a user-friendly apps on my smartphone, so there is an innate comfort in using it to set things up.

The GlocalMe Mini Turbo is also extremely simple to use; just insert a SIM card and connect up to 10 devices to the hotspot. With a battery life of up to 10 hours, you can be confident that you’ll always have a reliable connection, even on long trips.

Best unlocked mobile hotspot: Huawei E5576-320 Portable 4G

The Huawei E5576-320 Portable 4G is one of the low-cost options for mobile hotspot devices on the market. I was curious to see how this device would perform and how it would compare to the more expensive options, so I decided to put it to the test. I have to say, I was impressed with the Huawei E5576-320 Portable 4G.

With 150Mbps download speeds and 50Mbps uploads, this is a great mobile hotspot option that’s tiny, lightweight, and easy to transport. You can also connect up to 10 devices to this 4G mobile router, which has a standby time of 350 hours and a working time of 6 hours, thanks to its 1500mAh battery.


The Huawei E5576 was easy to set up and use, and it provided a reliable connection even in areas with poor cell coverage. Unfortunately, this device only works in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. For countries outside this list like the US, Canada, and Mexico, you’ll need to get a separate Huawei hotspot device.

Overall, the Huawei E5576-320 Portable 4G is relatively affordable, making it a great option for budget-conscious digital nomads. Like the Skyroam Solis Lite, the Huawei E5576-320 Portable 4G is simply a no-frills low-cost mobile router. Basically, this mobile hotspot device focuses solely on connecting your gadgets to the internet, no matter where you are.

Best mobile hotspot for remote areas: Verizon Jetpack MiFi 8800L Wi-Fi Hotspot

Verizon’s Jetpack MiFi 8800L is one of the best mobile hotspot devices on the market. Like the previous models, this one also comes in matte black and gray and is a plastic oval that’s about the size of a deck of cards with a touchscreen front. It has two external antenna ports plus a USB-C port.

It can connect up to 15 devices at once and has a built-in battery that lasts up to 15 hours. On top of these, the Jetpack MiFi 8800L also works great for digital nomads who want to explore extremely rural areas. This is because unlike other units that can only see 3G in these remote places, Verizon’s wifi hotspot can actually still offer 4G LTE.

Source: Verizon

If you’re worried about data overage charges, don’t be – Verizon offers unlimited data plans for Jetpack MiFi 8800L devices. So whether you’re working on the go or just want to stay connected while traveling, Verizon Jetpack MiFi 8800L is the perfect solution.

Best low-cost prepaid mobile hotspot: ZTE ZMax Connect MF928

As long as you have a compatible AT&T or T-Mobile prepaid service plan, you can use the ZTE ZMax Connect MF928 hotspot. Like most low-cost mobile hotspots, this device also comes in the form of a tiny black box that’s roughly the size of a playing card. Unlike the more expensive options like the Skyroam Solis X, it has no dedicated indicator for battery life or signal strength.

However, the ZTE ZMax Connect MF928 offers a special feature. It has a pair of TS9 antenna ports, which could be used to attach an external antenna to boost the signal. Its LTE covers AT&T and T-Mobile but doesn’t include Verizon and other foreign providers. Moreover, the hotspot’s internet speed tends to flounder when it reaches LTE performance. It becomes more problematic when additional you try to add more than two devices at a time, with the issue being more obvious when you’re having Zoom calls.


I appreciate the wifi management options, though. I like the accompanying mobile app, which sends me updates on data usage and allows me to tweak the hotspot’s settings.

The ZMax Connect MF928 supports up to 10 devices at a time and can last up to 10 hours, making it ideal for international travelers and digital nomads who need to work remotely while on the road. Overall, the ZTE ZMax Connect MF928 is a great option for those who need a reliable and affordable mobile hotspot device.

How to maximize your mobile hotspot plan

Mobile hotspot plans evolve all the time. If you add a hotspot data plan to an existing “unlimited” phone plan, Verizon gives you up to 50GB of high-speed data, 40GB from AT&T, and 40GB from T-Mobile. Once you consume that, the carriers tend to “deprioritize” your data or start to throttle it randomly.

So if you’re an AT&T or Verizon subscriber, the best way to make the most of your mobile hotspot data plan is to add your hotspot line as a separate line to your pre-existing phone plan. That offers you the most data for your budget.

Reality check

Admittedly, some of the devices listed here are pretty old. That’s because mobile hotspots have not exactly progressed as quickly as other technologies. While I’m not thrilled over this lack of innovation, I’m still grateful that these mobile internet devices are available to make our lives easier. However, I’m hoping to see more wifi hotspots with the most advanced 5G technologies out in the market soon and making our digital nomad life easier and more convenient!


Talking about portable hotspot devices brings back memories, particularly one that started out cold and daunting. I was driving around the Ring Road in Iceland when the roads got narrower and icier. Everything was foggy, and I had no idea where I was since I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t tell where I was going. Eventually, I realized that I had been driving in circles for hours on end, and it felt like there was no way out.

Thank goodness I had my mobile hotspot device with me, which turned out to be a lifesaver. I used it to help me navigate the Ring Road. The fact that I had something with me that allowed me to still be able to communicate with my family and friends as well as help me navigate the unknown place offered me an invaluable sense of comfort and relief.


Truth be told, I would have felt a lot less safe traversing that road in Iceland without my mobile hotspot device. It just felt better because I knew I could rely on something in case of emergencies–or in this case, led me to a spectacular town with hot springs that soothe my frayed nerves and sore muscles.

These days, it’s hard to imagine life without the internet. Whether I’m working from a cafe in Barcelona or a hotel in Bali, I need to be able to stay connected. Plus, mobile hotspot devices have been a lifesaver. On more than one occasion, I’ve been out and about without any wifi, only to find that my mobile hotspot device has come to the rescue.

I’ve also used mobile hotspot devices to stay connected when travelling through remote areas where there is no cell service. So if you’re looking for a way to stay connected while on the go–whether you’re trying to check directions, find a nearby restaurant, or just stay connected with friends and family–I highly recommend investing in a mobile hotspot device. You’ll never know when you’ll need it!

Personality traits and types for your ideal remote job or career


Matching your personality traits and types for your ideal remote job or career – Packaging your skills and finding a remote job that suits you 

Having a remote job is a dream for many.  Thanks to COVID-19 the coronavirus global pandemic, we’ve had to shift to remote much quicker than expected. You may be wondering if you have the personality type for a remote job. The good news is that there is remote work out there for you no matter what personality traits you have!

But how do you know which type of remote job is right for you?  When you’re just starting out it can be daunting to figure out what path to take to lead you to the right remote job.  And it makes sense to make sure your new remote position is one that’s well-suited to what you’re good at.  There are several jobs in which you can translate your skills from offline to online.  But first, we decided to take a look at how your remote career maps to your personality type as a starting point to look at the type of remote career that’s right for you.

Mapping a remote career to your personality type

We’re all a little bit different. Knowing your strengths is key to excelling in your remote work.

There are many online resources that can help you build and manage a remote-ready skillset.

We’ve provided a list of courses, broken down by entry level, mid level, and highly skilled, and by area of expertise: marketing, finance, programming, and so on.

Once you’ve found the career that’s right for you, take a look at the Courses on LiveWorkAnywhere to dig deeper into your next remote career.

Have you thought about what skills match your personality type?

Not sure what your strengths are yet? A lot of people don’t think they’re good at anything, when in reality, they’re just not aware of what their strongest qualities are. Taking a quick personality test can give you an idea of what kind of tasks and skills suit you best. You can then identify the personality traits for your ideal online career and see if they match up with your personality type.

This Hubspot blog details seven different career aptitude tests for recent graduates and seasoned professionals alike. General personality tests like this one from can be helpful, too.  No one test is a perfect representation of you. These are just tools to give you an idea of yourself and your strengths and get you started on your path to a remote career.

Personality types and the remote careers that match

The most common personality and career aptitude test, the Meyers-Briggs test, breaks personality types down by four distinct categories.

  1. Introverted vs. extroverted
  2. Thinking vs. feeling
  3. Judging vs. perceiving
  4. Sensing vs. intuition

Here are some examples of remote jobs that pair well with these broad personality categories.

  • Introverted: Software developer, proofreader, photographer.
  • Extroverted: Screenwriter, Editor, Copywriter.
  • Thinking: Sales representative, project manager, public relations.
  • Feeling: Social media manager, translator.
  • Judging: Managing editor, statistician.
  • Perceiving: Film editor, journalist, archivist.
  • Sensing: Management consultant, sales manager.
  • Intuition: Budget analyst, database administrator.

Of course these aren’t laws! If you find you don’t have the personality type for the remote job you want, that doesn’t mean a career in that field is beyond your reach. Experience with remote work can help you get a feel for how your personality type best fits with your desired career. For example, an introverted person can still work in an extroverted field like copywriting or editing.

How to get started

If you’ve never worked remotely before, then you’ll want to brush up on some of the essential skills. Here are some resources to help you kickstart your remote career, no matter which industry you choose.

Finding a Remote Job

This is an all-encompassing career management course designed to get your remote career off the ground. You’ll learn how to ace remote interviews, the warning signs of sketchy job positions and how to master the technology required for remote work.

Introduction to Personal Branding

This might be especially pertinent to anyone looking to land a freelance position. Selling yourself and your services to online clients requires a masterful grasp of your “brand”. Learn to start leveraging yourself like a company.

Introduction to Time Management

Time management is an essential resume skill for those looking to land remote work. Since you won’t be punching a time card, you’ll need to motivate yourself to get everything done on time.

Also, look at LiveWorkAnywhere courses for general remote work skills courses around productivity, time management, managing remote teams, communication, and skill-specific courses for entry level, mid level, and highly skilled remote jobs.

Remote work traits employers look for 

  • Independent – Independence is essential. You won’t have a supervisor keeping tabs on you all day.
  • Self-starter – Remote work calls for a lot of initiative.
  • Responsive – Keeping track of remote workers can be tricky, and employers want to know they can trust you to be available.
  • Introvert – Introverts handle down time well and are less inclined to feel lonely working by themselves.
  • Extrovert – Extroverts tend to be great communicators, and can keep their remote coworkers informed.
  • Focused – There are a lot of distractions in the world of remote work. Employers want employees who can stay focused.
  • Self-disciplined – Remote workers have to serve as their own supervisors sometimes, keeping themselves on task. Not sure you’re self-disciplined and structured enough to thrive in a remote environment? Don’t worry, you can create this skill set by working hard and establishing a daily routine.
  • Team player – All-remote teams need extraordinary communication and cooperation to function properly.
  • Resourceful problem solver – Remote positions call for adaptable employees. There will be times where you will have to get creative to work around technology failings and other issues.
  • Experience working remotely – While you won’t have this starting out, employers look to see how well you adapt to remote work.  One of the most obvious ways is by having worked remotely in the past, and if you haven’t, proving you have the chops to do so by being communicative, resourceful, and a self-starter.

Are you ready to make the move to remote work? Most employers will be drawn to applicants with previous remote experience. If you’ve never worked a remote job before, then now’s the time to put a remote-ready plan in place.

Remote Work Statistics – Why Remote Work is Here to Stay


Remote work was once the “Future of Work”.  Yet even a casual glance at current remote work stats shows that the future has become the now and working from home is is the norm for many people.  But just in case you needed some proof, we’ve compiled a few remote work statistics.

Younger leaders are embracing remote work

Remote work stats show that the younger workforce is definitely at the forefront of remote and flex work. As the younger generations come to occupy more managerial positions, remote work options for staff are becoming more acceptable.

  • 69% of younger managers have team members with remote work options (Source: Upwork)
  • Younger managers are 28% more likely to utilize remote workers than Baby Boomers. (Source: Upwork)
  • 68% of graduating college students listed remote work as the top benefit in their job search (Source: After College)

Flex work is bridging the gap

Flex work allows traditional businesses a sort of “practice space” for online work. By allowing employees to work remotely just part of the time, companies retain the benefits of both traditional office work and remote work.

  • In 2015, 30% of the U.S. workforce had the option to work remotely part time. By 2025, this number is expected to rise to 50% (Source: Flex Summit)
  • American Express saw a 43% increase in employee retention by offering flexible work options (Source: Flex Summit)

Remote work is only increasing

Remote work options are now the norm for many companies. Growth in this sector has sped up in recent years and is showing no signs of slowing down. Remote work statistics show remote work options overtaking their in-office counterparts.

  • In the next ten years, hiring manager predict that 38% of their permanent, full-time employees will work remotely (Source: Upwork)
  • The U.S. freelance workforce is growing 3x faster than the overall U.S. workforce (Source: Fast Company)

Companies are seeing the benefits of remote work

Remote work can save companies a lot of money. While guaranteeing the success of remote work does require several unique investments, remote works stats show that these costs often pale in comparison to traditional office overhead.

  • Creative Commons went fully remote with a 25-person team and saved $250,000 (Source: Flex Summit)
  • 59% of hiring managers today are using freelance and contract workers, up from just 24% in 2017. This number is predicted to increase by 168% in just the next decade. (Source: Fast Company)

Culture is the key going forward

Remote work is fundamentally different from in-office work, and needs a different approach. Policies and work culture must adjust to accommodate an increasingly remote workforce.

  • Asking remote employees to “shut down” after work hours yields as much as a 20% increase in retention (Source: Flex Summit)
  • 63% of employers have remote workers, yet most currently lack defined remote work policies